Finn-Aqua GMP Bio Pharma Sterilizer (BPS)

STERIS Finn Aqua Bio Pharma Series GMP Steam Sterilizer provides shortened validation time, increased flexibility, and unsurpassed reliability in applications such as sterile room supply, media preparation and terminal sterilization of hard goods, vented liquids and sealed packaged liquids. STERIS’ Finn Aqua Bio Pharma Series GMP Steam Sterilizer cycles are selected via a recipe list. Most parameters are user selectable. Cycle progresses through programmed cycle. Exposure temperatures are maintained within +/- 0.5C.

  • Easy to Validate - Systems are fully tested and pre-validated during our factory qualification under production like conditions and full documentation.
  • Compliant - Systems are designed, manufactured, tested and documented according to the latest global standards and practices to facilitate compliance with GMP, cGMP, GAMP and others.
  • Productivity - Rigorous design and accurate control system assure effective and reproducible cycles. Available cycles include B, C, G-delta T, AC, SAMX and RP.
  • Flexibility - Systems are designed for different/demanding applications with cycle versatility to accommodate varying load types and a full range of loading, transfer and other auxiliary equipment.
  • Reliability - Chamber material is AISI 316L SS with maximum carbon content of less than 0.03% to reduce corrosion and help extend the life of your chamber.