Cage-Klenz 100 Alkaline Detergent

Cage-Klenz 100 Cage Wash Detergent is a liquid phosphate-free detergent system for use in high pressure spray animal cage washing equipment and mechanical cage washers, as well as for manual cleaning. The product is safe and effective in both soft and hard water for the removal of urine scales, oily proteinaceous soils, and other organic soils. Continued use also removes metal oxides such as rust and tarnish. Cage-Klenz 100 detergent is applicable to most types of metal surfaces as well as all types of plastic animal cage bodies. Cage-Klenz 100 detergent is aluminum safe and polycarbonate safe.

  • Contains chelating agents
  • Low foaming
  • Safe on aluminum and all types of plastic cage materials
FormClear slightly yellow liquid
Specific gravity (25?C)1.15 typical
pH (undiluted)13.3 typical
FoamLow and controlled